MUDRAS 佛教手印欣賞

hand mudraspeaceful eye

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Abhaya mudrâ, "fear not". Abhaya in Sanskrit means fearlessness. Musée des Arts Asiatiques de Nice, France

Zen... ~ETS

There is no substitute for the creative inspiration, knowledge, and stability that comes from knowing how to contact your core of inner silence.” -Deepak Chopra namaste

The moment when Buddha face the demons and was enlightened by touching the soil with the tip of his finger. Beautiful.

Mudra Hand Positions | Mudra~Hand Yoga


Ti Campbell-Allen Dharma artiste sur Ahimsa Silk - Tilly

"Crown Chakra Mudra" Artist: Tilly Campbell-Allen

Manipura - solar plexus chakra mudra by Tilly Campbell-Allen

Crown Chakra Mudra by Tilly Campbell-Allen

À procura de templos perdidos, vestígios e memórias de tempos antigos...