How Deep Is The Ocean


How can I tell you what is in my heart? 我怎麼傾訴我對妳的愛慕?
How can I measure each and every part?我怎麼去衡量它?
How can I tell you how much I love you?我怎麼告訴妳我愛妳有多深?
How can I measure just how much I do?我該如何衡量我只是做了多少事?
How much do I love you? 我愛你到底有多深?
I'll tell you no lie    我會坦誠告訴你…..
How deep is the ocean? 像海洋那樣有多深?
How high is the sky?    像天空那樣有多高?
How many times a day do I think of you?每天我想起你有多少次?
How many roses are sprinkled with dew? 有多少玫瑰花沾染露水?
How far would I travel 我不辭千里迢迢地尋覓你
To be where you are? 無論你在哪裡?
How far is the journey?這旅程有多遠?
From here to a star?從這裡到穹蒼的星星?
And if I ever lost you倘使我失去了你
How much would I cry?  我會難過的…….
How deep is the ocean? 像海洋那樣深?
How high is the sky? 像天空那樣高?